Create a Reservation

How to create a reservation using the OAPI


Read First

The preferred and current reservation flow implemented in Guesty is the Reservation quote flow of our Booking Engine API (BEAPI). Only if you have an existing integration based on our legacy workflow should you rely on this. Still, the better option is to update your integration to use our BEAPI.

Booking Options

Reservations can be categorized into two primary categories:

  1. Booking request
  2. Instant book

Booking Request

A booking request represents a query from potential or returning guests. These are unconfirmed potential bookings.

  • To create an inquiry with reserved dates, set the reservation status to reserved.
  • To create an inquiry without reserved dates, set the reservation status to inquiry.

Instant Book

This is a reservation that is confirmed in a single step. Simply set the reservation status to confirmed when creating it.

Creating the Reservation

Reservation Payload

Reservation Payload

Available Endpoints


Key Parameters

Body ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired
listingIdstringThe ID of the property being booked.✔️
checkInDateLocalizedstringThe start date of the reservation according to the property's timezone. It should be written, YYYY-MM-DD.✔️
checkOutDateLocalizedstringThe end date of the reservation according to the property's timezone. It should be written, YYYY-MM-DD.✔️
statusstringSee this enumerations table for more information.✔️
moneyobjectThe invoice items and currency.
guestIdstringThe ID of the guest making the reservation.✔️
guestobjectWhen creating a new guest profile with the reservation.✔️

Money Object

Body ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired
fareAccommodationnumberOnly if the amount must differ from the existing rate strategy.
fareCleaningnumberThe cleaning fee. Specify it only if it differs from what is set on the listing.
invoiceItems[object]An array of other fees. For including additional fees on the reservation (See the Invoice Items table below).
currencystringThe currency of the invoice. A list of supported values can be found [here]. Only specify if it differed from the currency set for the listing.

Invoice Items

You may add additional fees or taxes from those you've configured on your Guesty account (just make sure none of them apply automatically, or you will have duplicates) or create your own fee with the relevant normalType.

Body ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired
titlestringThe name of the fee.✔️
amountnumberThe amount to charge.✔️
normalTypestringThe fee category. See this table of enums.✔️
secondIdentifierstringAn additional identifier. Normally, a variant of the fee name and time. See this table of enums for predefined identifiers.✔️
descriptionstringAdd an additional description to add further context to the fee.

Override Parameters

These parameters should be used sparingly with care and caution. If you've set up your properties well, you'll find that you may never need to employ them.



You are responsible for any overbooking incurred as a result of the use of these parameters.

Body ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired
ignoreCalendarbooleanDefault: false. Set to true to override any calendar blocks (including other reservations).
ignoreTermsbooleanDefault: false. Set to true if you wish to overlook the listing terms such as max occupancy, min. nights, etc.

Reservation Statuses

inquiryA question from a potential guest or returning one.
declinedThis status is used when the host rejects an inquiry.
expiredAn expired inquiry, request, or quote.
canceledA canceled reservation (previously confirmed)
closedA booking request that wasn't or isn't confirmed
reservedA booking request. Calendar dates are reserved.
confirmedA confirmed reservation.



This request follows the flow where the guest was created first. Only the guestId is included.

curl '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
    "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-01",
    "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-10",
    "status": "reserved",
    "guestId": "64c7afe8a1237cba15116c95"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("accept", "application/json");
myHeaders.append("content-type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
  "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-01",
  "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-10",
  "status": "reserved",
  "guestId": "64c7afe8a1237cba15116c95"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'manual'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
    "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
    "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-01",
    "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-10",
    "status": "reserved",
    "guestId": "64c7afe8a1237cba15116c95"
    'accept: application/json',
    'content-type: application/json'

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

import http.client
import json

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = json.dumps({
  "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
  "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-01",
  "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-10",
  "status": "reserved",
  "guestId": "64c7afe8a1237cba15116c95"
headers = {
  'accept': 'application/json',
  'content-type': 'application/json'
conn.request("POST", "/v1/reservations", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =


    "integration": {
        "limitations": {
            "availableStatuses": []
        "bookingCom": {
            "invalidCreditCards": [],
            "reports": []
        "_id": "5b9a25fd3bfa6d01b15a0b14",
        "platform": "manual",
        "object": {
            "airbnb": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
                "importCalendars": true
            "rentalsUnited": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
                "cleaningFeeIncludedInNightlyPrice": {
                    "agoda": true,
                    "bookingCom": false,
                    "canadaStays": true,
                    "despegar": true,
                    "expedia": true,
                    "homeAway": true,
                    "hostelworld": true
            "bookingCom": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
            "homeAway": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
            "homeaway2": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": []
            "agoda": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
            "tripAdvisor": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
            "_id": "5b9a25fd3bfa6d01b15a0b14",
            "platform": "manual",
            "incomingEmail": "",
            "nickname": "demobnb_oe6yqvg",
            "createAt": "2018-09-13T08:55:25.034Z",
            "active": true,
            "createdAt": "2018-09-13T08:55:25.000Z"
    "review": {
        "shouldReview": true
    "atTimeOfConfirmation": {
        "snapshotCreated": false,
        "monthlyPriceFactor": 1,
        "weeklyPriceFactor": 1,
        "taxes": []
    "earlyCheckIn": {
        "blockDay": false
    "lateCheckOut": {
        "blockDay": false
    "flag": false,
    "accountingEnabled": true,
    "isBMApplied": false,
    "confirmedPreBookings": [],
    "sourceMeta": {
        "guestyUrl": null,
        "customUrl": null,
        "businessName": null
    "pulledByDailySync": false,
    "manuallyCreated": false,
    "_id": "64c91cb2a097ec00417a8575",
    "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
    "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-01",
    "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-10",
    "status": "reserved",
    "guestId": "64c7afe8a1237cba15116c95",
    "accountId": "5b852676354b34003f0a55eb",
    "guestsCount": 1,
    "money": {
        "settingsSnapshot": {
            "currency": {
                "rate": 1
            "monthlyPriceFactor": 1,
            "weeklyPriceFactor": 1,
            "additionalFees": [],
            "snapshotCreated": false,
            "taxes": []
        "channelCommissionRules": null,
        "paymentProviderIds": [
        "altered": false,
        "_id": "64c91cb3a27d63003dc4784d",
        "version": 1,
        "currency": "AUD",
        "fareAccommodation": 900,
        "fareAccommodationAdjusted": 900,
        "fareCleaning": 0,
        "invoiceItems": [
                "_id": "64c91cb3a27d63003dc4784e",
                "title": "Accommodation fare",
                "amount": 900,
                "currency": "AUD",
                "type": "ACCOMMODATION_FARE",
                "isLocked": true,
                "normalType": "AF"
                "_id": "64c91cb3a27d63003dc4784f",
                "title": "VAT",
                "amount": 180,
                "currency": "AUD",
                "isLocked": true,
                "isTax": true,
                "type": "TAX",
                "metadata": {
                    "calculated": true
                "normalType": "VAT"
        "fareAccommodationAdjustment": 0,
        "fareAccommodationDiscount": 0,
        "hostServiceFee": 0,
        "hostServiceFeeTax": 0,
        "hostServiceFeeIncTax": 0,
        "totalFees": 0,
        "subTotalPrice": 900,
        "hostPayout": 1080,
        "hostPayoutUsd": 714.86,
        "totalTaxes": 180,
        "useAccountRevenueShare": true,
        "netIncomeFormula": "host_payout",
        "netIncome": 1080,
        "commissionFormula": "0",
        "commission": 0,
        "commissionTaxPercentage": 0,
        "commissionTax": 0,
        "commissionIncTax": 0,
        "ownerRevenueFormula": "net_income",
        "ownerRevenue": 1080,
        "platform": "manual",
        "reservationId": "64c91cb2a097ec00417a8575",
        "createdAt": "2023-08-01T14:54:43.429Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-08-01T14:54:43.429Z",
        "payments": [],
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        "isFullyPaid": false,
        "paymentsDue": 0,
        "totalRefunded": 0,
        "totalPaid": 0,
        "autoPaymentsPolicy": []
    "source": "Manual",
    "confirmationCode": "jY5RZ8WVP",
    "mtl": {
        "assigned": false,
        "_id": "64c91cb3a097ec00417a857b"
    "isReturningGuest": false,
    "checkIn": "2023-09-01T05:00:00.000Z",
    "checkOut": "2023-09-10T00:00:00.000Z",
    "nightsCount": 9,
    "additionalFeesAtCreation": [],
    "guestyFeeDetails": {
        "commission": 0,
        "planItems": [],
        "feeMinimum": 0,
        "fee": 0,
        "feeUsd": 0,
        "isMinimumFee": false,
        "isMaximumFee": false
    "createdAt": "2023-08-01T14:54:43.511Z",
    "pendingTasks": [],
    "customFields": [],
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-01T14:54:43.516Z",
    "guest": {
        "airbnb": {
            "id": "1180340812902"
        "airbnb2": {
            "index": "index",
            "id": "1180340821319"
        "policy": {
            "marketing": {
                "isAccepted": false
            "termsAndConditions": {
                "isAccepted": false
        "verifications": [],
        "emails": [
        "phones": [
        "communicationMethods": [
        "interests": [],
        "allergies": [],
        "dietaryPreferences": [],
        "tags": [],
        "_id": "64c7afe8a1237cba15116c95",
        "createdAt": "2023-07-31T12:43:33.218Z",
        "paymentProvidersCustomers": [],
        "nationality": "us",
        "isOtaModified": false,
        "otaLinks": [],
        "pronouns": "he/him/his",
        "gender": "male",
        "preferredLanguage": "en",
        "phone": "12128765234",
        "email": "",
        "hometown": "New York",
        "fullName": "Irving Washington",
        "lastName": "Washington",
        "firstName": "Irving"
    "listing": {
        "address": {
            "full": "77 King St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia",
            "lng": 151.2066116,
            "lat": -33.8689358,
            "street": "King Street 77",
            "city": "Sydney",
            "country": "Australia",
            "zipcode": "2000",
            "state": "New South Wales"
        "cleaningStatus": {
            "value": "dirty",
            "updatedBy": "Guesty automation",
            "updatedAt": "2023-04-04T05:46:27.378Z"
        "picture": {
            "thumbnail": ",h_200/v1659660646/production/5b852676354b34003f0a55eb/wd2scokycc6pbbyrnty2.jpg"
        "terms": {
            "minNights": 1,
            "maxNights": 45
        "prices": {
            "monthlyPriceFactor": 1,
            "weeklyPriceFactor": 1,
            "currency": "AUD",
            "basePrice": 100
        "type": "SINGLE",
        "tags": [
        "owners": [],
        "amenities": [
            "Air conditioning",
        "amenitiesNotIncluded": [],
        "useAccountRevenueShare": true,
        "netIncomeFormula": "host_payout",
        "commissionFormula": "net_income",
        "ownerRevenueFormula": "net_income - pm_commission",
        "useAccountAdditionalFees": true,
        "taxes": [],
        "useAccountTaxes": true,
        "useAccountMarkups": true,
        "active": true,
        "preBooking": [],
        "_id": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
        "accommodates": 2,
        "bathrooms": 1,
        "defaultCheckInTime": "15:00",
        "defaultCheckOutTime": "10:00",
        "propertyType": "Apartment",
        "roomType": "Entire home/apt",
        "timezone": "Australia/Sydney",
        "nickname": "Test_Listing_Shan",
        "title": "Test Listing Shans",
        "isListed": true,
        "createdAt": "2022-08-05T00:51:01.490Z",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-07-30T11:30:29.965Z",
        "integrations": [],
        "listingRooms": [
                "_id": "64c649d5a42142003f078e79",
                "roomNumber": 0,
                "beds": [
                        "_id": "64c649d5a42142003f078e7a",
                        "type": "SOFA_BED",
                        "quantity": 1
                "_id": "64c649d5a42142003f078e7b",
                "roomNumber": 1,
                "beds": [
                        "_id": "64c649d5a42142003f078e7c",
                        "type": "KING_BED",
                        "quantity": 1
        "customFields": [],
        "importedAt": "2022-08-05T00:51:01.491Z",
        "occupancyStats": [],
        "promotions": [
        "bedrooms": 1,
        "beds": 2
    "__v": 0,
    "id": "64c91cb2a097ec00417a8575"


This request includes the guest object for creating a new guest profile with the reservation. If the guest does exist, that profile will be linked with the reservation and updated with any new or altered information.

curl '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
    "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-12",
    "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-20",
    "status": "reserved",
    "guest": {
        "firstName": "Ernest",
        "lastName": "Hemingway",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+123456789",
        "nationality": "us",
        "gender": "male",
        "preferredLanguage": "en"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("accept", "application/json");
myHeaders.append("content-type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
  "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-12",
  "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-20",
  "status": "reserved",
  "guest": {
    "firstName": "Ernest",
    "lastName": "Hemingway",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+123456789",
    "nationality": "us",
    "gender": "male",
    "preferredLanguage": "en"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'manual'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
    "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
    "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-12",
    "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-20",
    "status": "reserved",
    "guest": {
        "firstName": "Ernest",
        "lastName": "Hemingway",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+123456789",
        "nationality": "us",
        "gender": "male",
        "preferredLanguage": "en"
    'accept: application/json',
    'content-type: application/json'

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

import http.client
import json

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = json.dumps({
  "listingId": "62ec6975134d780032b62221",
  "checkInDateLocalized": "2023-09-12",
  "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-20",
  "status": "reserved",
  "guest": {
    "firstName": "Ernest",
    "lastName": "Hemingway",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+123456789",
    "nationality": "us",
    "gender": "male",
    "preferredLanguage": "en"
headers = {
  'accept': 'application/json',
  'content-type': 'application/json'
conn.request("POST", "/v1/reservations", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =


    "integration": {
        "limitations": {
            "availableStatuses": []
        "bookingCom": {
            "invalidCreditCards": [],
            "reports": []
        "_id": "5b9a25fd3bfa6d01b15a0b14",
        "platform": "manual",
        "object": {
            "airbnb": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
                "importCalendars": true
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                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
                "cleaningFeeIncludedInNightlyPrice": {
                    "agoda": true,
                    "bookingCom": false,
                    "canadaStays": true,
                    "despegar": true,
                    "expedia": true,
                    "homeAway": true,
                    "hostelworld": true
            "bookingCom": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
            "homeAway": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
            "homeaway2": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": []
            "agoda": {
                "ignored": {
                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
            "tripAdvisor": {
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                    "listings": [],
                    "reservations": []
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            "nickname": "demobnb_oe6yqvg",
            "createAt": "2018-09-13T08:55:25.034Z",
            "active": true,
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    "lateCheckOut": {
        "blockDay": false
    "flag": false,
    "accountingEnabled": true,
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    "checkOutDateLocalized": "2023-09-20",
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        "emails": [
        "phones": [
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        "allergies": [],
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        "lastName": "Hemingway",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "123456789",
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        "gender": "male",
        "preferredLanguage": "en",
        "paymentProvidersCustomers": [],
        "fullName": "Ernest Hemingway"
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    "guestId": "64c9213aa097ec00417a9910",
    "guestsCount": 1,
    "money": {
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            "weeklyPriceFactor": 1,
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        "paymentProviderIds": [
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                "isLocked": true,
                "isTax": true,
                "type": "TAX",
                "metadata": {
                    "calculated": true
                "normalType": "VAT"
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        "fareAccommodationDiscount": 0,
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        "hostServiceFeeTax": 0,
        "hostServiceFeeIncTax": 0,
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        "commissionIncTax": 0,
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        "createdAt": "2023-08-01T15:14:03.975Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-08-01T15:14:03.975Z",
        "payments": [],
        "balanceDue": 960,
        "isFullyPaid": false,
        "paymentsDue": 0,
        "totalRefunded": 0,
        "totalPaid": 0,
        "autoPaymentsPolicy": []
    "source": "Manual",
    "confirmationCode": "r2Bk86Yj4",
    "mtl": {
        "assigned": false,
        "_id": "64c9213ca097ec00417a9917"
    "isReturningGuest": false,
    "checkIn": "2023-09-12T05:00:00.000Z",
    "checkOut": "2023-09-20T00:00:00.000Z",
    "nightsCount": 8,
    "additionalFeesAtCreation": [],
    "guestyFeeDetails": {
        "commission": 0,
        "planItems": [],
        "feeMinimum": 0,
        "fee": 0,
        "feeUsd": 0,
        "isMinimumFee": false,
        "isMaximumFee": false
    "createdAt": "2023-08-01T15:14:04.049Z",
    "pendingTasks": [],
    "customFields": [],
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-01T15:14:04.054Z",
    "listing": {
        "address": {
            "full": "77 King St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia",
            "lng": 151.2066116,
            "lat": -33.8689358,
            "street": "King Street 77",
            "city": "Sydney",
            "country": "Australia",
            "zipcode": "2000",
            "state": "New South Wales"
        "cleaningStatus": {
            "value": "dirty",
            "updatedBy": "Guesty automation",
            "updatedAt": "2023-04-04T05:46:27.378Z"
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            "maxNights": 45
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            "currency": "AUD",
            "basePrice": 100
        "type": "SINGLE",
        "tags": [
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        "amenities": [
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        "amenitiesNotIncluded": [],
        "useAccountRevenueShare": true,
        "netIncomeFormula": "host_payout",
        "commissionFormula": "net_income",
        "ownerRevenueFormula": "net_income - pm_commission",
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        "taxes": [],
        "useAccountTaxes": true,
        "useAccountMarkups": true,
        "active": true,
        "preBooking": [],
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        "accommodates": 2,
        "bathrooms": 1,
        "defaultCheckInTime": "15:00",
        "defaultCheckOutTime": "10:00",
        "propertyType": "Apartment",
        "roomType": "Entire home/apt",
        "timezone": "Australia/Sydney",
        "nickname": "Test_Listing_Shan",
        "title": "Test Listing Shans",
        "isListed": true,
        "createdAt": "2022-08-05T00:51:01.490Z",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-07-30T11:30:29.965Z",
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        "importedAt": "2022-08-05T00:51:01.491Z",
        "occupancyStats": [],
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    "__v": 0,
    "id": "64c9213ba097ec00417a9911"



When manipulating reservations created with BEAPI or via the Open API reservations endpoints, please allow up to 60 seconds between requests to allow each to complete and achieve the expected outcome.


Status 500 Internal Server Error: Integration not found

If you have not created or received direct bookings on your Guesty account. Please activate the booking engine by creating a test reservation in the UI. API reservation requests require this activation to work.