Canceling or Editing a Scheduled Payment

How to alter a future payment.


If you need to change a scheduled Auto Payment for a reservation, you can edit or cancel it. There are a couple of reasons why you might want to do this:

  1. The reservation's Auto Payments function will be deactivated if a reservation payment/refund is made manually through the API. Existing scheduled payments won't be updated to reflect the captured payment/refund, and no future payments will be scheduled.
  2. Intentional changes are required on an existing reservation.

There are two steps to this process:

  1. Identify the payment ID of the specific scheduled payment.
  2. Edit/Cancel that payment.

Edit Scheduled Guest Payment Flow

Edit Scheduled Guest Payment Flow

Step 1: Retrieve the Payment ID

The same reservation and payment object will be used for all examples in this document.

Available Endpoints


Key Parameters

Path ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired
idstringReservation ID.✔️

Query ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired
fields=money.payments[string]Request the payments field in the response. Narrows the data in the API response to essential fields and payments only.Recommended


curl ''
var requestOptions = { method: 'GET', redirect: 'manual' }; fetch("", requestOptions) .then(response => response.text()) .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'GET', )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") payload = '' headers = {} conn.request("GET", "/v1/reservations/64da254383ad1500284bd0c0?fields=money.payments", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))


{ "_id": "64da254383ad1500284bd0c0", "integration": { "_id": "62a72ab7c147f0003487b854", "platform": "manual", "limitations": { "availableStatuses": [] } }, "listingId": "64da223eb3de7a002a462fcc", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "accountId": "5213a2d206112710005d96ff", "money": { "currency": "USD", "payments": [ { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "PENDING", "_id": "64da25d683ad1500284bd0ef", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 1200, "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-09-01T12:00:00.000Z", "note": "Second installment", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "currency": "USD", "attempts": [], "refunds": [], "authorizationHoldCaptures": [], "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:02:14.058Z", "receiptTargets": [] }, { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "SUCCEEDED", "_id": "64da267c83ad1500284bd104", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 500, "note": "Deposit", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "currency": "USD", "attempts": [ { "_id": "64da267d83ad1500284bd109", "status": "SUCCEEDED", "payload": { "id": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "object": "payment_intent", "amount": 50000, "amount_capturable": 0, "amount_received": 50000, "application": "ca_7S8pfqtl3Am55FsbIOZcBbZivQqEDeUd", "application_fee_amount": 200, "automatic_payment_methods": null, "canceled_at": null, "cancellation_reason": null, "capture_method": "automatic", "charges": { "object": "list", "data": [ { "id": "ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4", "object": "charge", "amount": 50000, "amount_captured": 50000, "amount_refunded": 0, "application": "ca_7S8pfqtl3Am55FsbIOZcBbZivQqEDeUd", "application_fee": "fee_1Nf0S9GfrrmRCKB1dolQDBpR", "application_fee_amount": 200, "balance_transaction": "txn_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11uWFFji9", "billing_details": { "address": { "city": "New York", "country": "US", "line1": "20 W 34th St", "line2": null, "postal_code": "10001", "state": null }, "email": null, "name": "John Smith", "phone": null }, "calculated_statement_descriptor": "GUESTY BOOKING", "captured": true, "created": 1692018300, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_ORu3dk6cGpYw0u", "description": "r2B9jZYJK", "destination": null, "dispute": null, "disputed": false, "failure_balance_transaction": null, "failure_code": null, "failure_message": null, "invoice": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": { "OTA": "Manual", "accountId": "5213a2d206112710005d96ff", "confirmationCode": "r2B9jZYJK", "guestName": "Irving Washington", "listingId": "64da223eb3de7a002a462fcc", "paymentId": "64da267c83ad1500284bd104", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "reservationId": "64da254383ad1500284bd0c0" }, "on_behalf_of": null, "order": null, "outcome": { "network_status": "approved_by_network", "reason": null, "risk_level": "normal", "risk_score": 6, "seller_message": "Payment complete.", "type": "authorized" }, "paid": true, "payment_intent": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "payment_method": "pm_1Nf0FOGfrrmRCKB1k7y7M57E", "payment_method_details": { "card": { "brand": "visa", "checks": { "address_line1_check": "pass", "address_postal_code_check": "pass", "cvc_check": "pass" }, "country": "US", "ds_transaction_id": null, "exp_month": 12, "exp_year": 2026, "fingerprint": "6i2ad2EHQpQJ8PeH", "funding": "credit", "installments": null, "last4": "4242", "mandate": null, "moto": null, "network": "visa", "network_token": { "used": false }, "three_d_secure": null, "wallet": null }, "type": "card" }, "receipt_email": null, "receipt_number": null, "receipt_url": "", "refunded": false, "refunds": { "object": "list", "data": [], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/charges/ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4/refunds" }, "review": null, "shipping": { "address": { "city": "New York", "country": "US", "line1": "20 W 34th St", "line2": null, "postal_code": "10001", "state": null }, "carrier": null, "name": "Irving Washington", "phone": "12128765234", "tracking_number": null }, "source": null, "source_transfer": null, "statement_descriptor": "Guesty booking", "statement_descriptor_suffix": null, "status": "succeeded", "transfer_data": null, "transfer_group": null } ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 1, "url": "/v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI" }, "client_secret": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI_secret_xrh2J2yBNN3IDaOcVQK2BwxZv", "confirmation_method": "manual", "created": 1692018300, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_ORu3dk6cGpYw0u", "description": "r2B9jZYJK", "invoice": null, "last_payment_error": null, "latest_charge": "ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4", "livemode": false, "metadata": { "OTA": "Manual", "accountId": "5213a2d206112710005d96ff", "confirmationCode": "r2B9jZYJK", "guestName": "Irving Washington", "listingId": "64da223eb3de7a002a462fcc", "paymentId": "64da267c83ad1500284bd104", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "reservationId": "64da254383ad1500284bd0c0" }, "next_action": null, "on_behalf_of": null, "payment_method": "pm_1Nf0FOGfrrmRCKB1k7y7M57E", "payment_method_options": { "card": { "installments": null, "mandate_options": null, "network": null, "request_three_d_secure": "automatic" } }, "payment_method_types": [ "card" ], "processing": null, "receipt_email": null, "review": null, "setup_future_usage": null, "shipping": { "address": { "city": "New York", "country": "US", "line1": "20 W 34th St", "line2": null, "postal_code": "10001", "state": null }, "carrier": null, "name": "Irving Washington", "phone": "12128765234", "tracking_number": null }, "source": null, "statement_descriptor": "Guesty booking", "statement_descriptor_suffix": null, "status": "succeeded", "transfer_data": null, "transfer_group": null }, "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:01.910Z" } ], "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:00.263Z", "paidAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:01.820Z", "confirmationCode": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "refunds": [ { "_id": "64da2c0d83ad1500284bd128", "amount": 250, "note": "note", "payload": { "id": "re_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11JZsNCfT", "object": "refund", "amount": 25000, "balance_transaction": "txn_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB112KgYIx5", "charge": "ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4", "created": 1692019724, "currency": "usd", "payment_intent": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "reason": "requested_by_customer", "receipt_number": null, "source_transfer_reversal": null, "status": "succeeded", "transfer_reversal": null }, "status": "SUCCEEDED", "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:28:45.582Z" } ], "authorizationHoldCaptures": [], "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:01.910Z", "receiptTargets": [], "receiptId": 18801740 }, { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "PENDING", "_id": "64ec8fcc37d448003cf8aeca", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 1000, "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-08-31T09:00:00.000Z", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "currency": "USD", "attempts": [], "refunds": [], "authorizationHoldCaptures": [], "createdAt": "2023-08-28T12:15:08.206Z", "receiptTargets": [] } ] }, "listing": { "_id": "64da223eb3de7a002a462fcc" }, "guest": { "_id": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f" } }

The ID for the relevant payment can be found in the _id field of the payment object under the status field. You can also reference the createdAt date and the amount to confirm that you've identified the correct payment.

Payment Object Identifiers

Payment Object Identifiers

Step 2: Edit/Cancel the Scheduled Payment

Available Endpoints

Key Parameters

Path ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired
idstringReservation ID.✔️
paymentIdstringID of the specific payment to be refunded.✔️

In this next example, use the same reservation as the example above: the shouldBePaidAt date will be pushed back to September 1, and the amount halved to $500.


curl --request PUT '' \ --data '{ "paymentMethod": { "method": "STRIPE", "id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2" }, "amount": 500, "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-09-01T09:00:00.000Z" }'
var raw = "{\n \"paymentMethod\": {\n \"method\": \"STRIPE\",\n \"id\": \"64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2\"\n },\n \"amount\": 500,\n \"shouldBePaidAt\": \"2023-09-01T09:00:00.000Z\"\n}"; var requestOptions = { method: 'PUT', body: raw, redirect: 'manual' }; fetch("", requestOptions) .then(response => response.text()) .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'PUT', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>'{ "paymentMethod": { "method": "STRIPE", "id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2" }, "amount": 500, "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-09-01T09:00:00.000Z" }', )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") payload = "{\n \"paymentMethod\": {\n \"method\": \"STRIPE\",\n \"id\": \"64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2\"\n },\n \"amount\": 500,\n \"shouldBePaidAt\": \"2023-09-01T09:00:00.000Z\"\n}" headers = {} conn.request("PUT", "/v1/reservations/64da254383ad1500284bd0c0/payments/64ec8fcc37d448003cf8aeca", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))


{ "_id": "64da254383ad1500284bd0c0", "money": { "payments": [ { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "PENDING", "_id": "64da25d683ad1500284bd0ef", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 1200, "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-09-01T12:00:00.000Z", "note": "Second installment", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "currency": "USD", "attempts": [], "refunds": [], "authorizationHoldCaptures": [], "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:02:14.058Z", "receiptTargets": [], "guest": { "_id": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "email": "", "fullName": "Irving Washington" }, "paymentMethod": { "_id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "method": "STRIPE", "last4": "4242", "brand": "visa" } }, { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "SUCCEEDED", "_id": "64da267c83ad1500284bd104", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 500, "note": "Deposit", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "currency": "USD", "attempts": [ { "_id": "64da267d83ad1500284bd109", "status": "SUCCEEDED", "payload": { "id": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "object": "payment_intent", "amount": 50000, "amount_capturable": 0, "amount_received": 50000, "application": "ca_7S8pfqtl3Am55FsbIOZcBbZivQqEDeUd", "application_fee_amount": 200, "automatic_payment_methods": null, "canceled_at": null, "cancellation_reason": null, "capture_method": "automatic", "charges": { "object": "list", "data": [ { "id": "ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4", "object": "charge", "amount": 50000, "amount_captured": 50000, "amount_refunded": 0, "application": "ca_7S8pfqtl3Am55FsbIOZcBbZivQqEDeUd", "application_fee": "fee_1Nf0S9GfrrmRCKB1dolQDBpR", "application_fee_amount": 200, "balance_transaction": "txn_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11uWFFji9", "billing_details": { "address": { "city": "New York", "country": "US", "line1": "20 W 34th St", "line2": null, "postal_code": "10001", "state": null }, "email": null, "name": "John Smith", "phone": null }, "calculated_statement_descriptor": "GUESTY BOOKING", "captured": true, "created": 1692018300, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_ORu3dk6cGpYw0u", "description": "r2B9jZYJK", "destination": null, "dispute": null, "disputed": false, "failure_balance_transaction": null, "failure_code": null, "failure_message": null, "invoice": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": { "OTA": "Manual", "accountId": "5213a2d206112710005d96ff", "confirmationCode": "r2B9jZYJK", "guestName": "Irving Washington", "listingId": "64da223eb3de7a002a462fcc", "paymentId": "64da267c83ad1500284bd104", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "reservationId": "64da254383ad1500284bd0c0" }, "on_behalf_of": null, "order": null, "outcome": { "network_status": "approved_by_network", "reason": null, "risk_level": "normal", "risk_score": 6, "seller_message": "Payment complete.", "type": "authorized" }, "paid": true, "payment_intent": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "payment_method": "pm_1Nf0FOGfrrmRCKB1k7y7M57E", "payment_method_details": { "card": { "brand": "visa", "checks": { "address_line1_check": "pass", "address_postal_code_check": "pass", "cvc_check": "pass" }, "country": "US", "ds_transaction_id": null, "exp_month": 12, "exp_year": 2026, "fingerprint": "6i2ad2EHQpQJ8PeH", "funding": "credit", "installments": null, "last4": "4242", "mandate": null, "moto": null, "network": "visa", "network_token": { "used": false }, "three_d_secure": null, "wallet": null }, "type": "card" }, "receipt_email": null, "receipt_number": null, "receipt_url": "", "refunded": false, "refunds": { "object": "list", "data": [], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/charges/ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4/refunds" }, "review": null, "shipping": { "address": { "city": "New York", "country": "US", "line1": "20 W 34th St", "line2": null, "postal_code": "10001", "state": null }, "carrier": null, "name": "Irving Washington", "phone": "12128765234", "tracking_number": null }, "source": null, "source_transfer": null, "statement_descriptor": "Guesty booking", "statement_descriptor_suffix": null, "status": "succeeded", "transfer_data": null, "transfer_group": null } ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 1, "url": "/v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI" }, "client_secret": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI_secret_xrh2J2yBNN3IDaOcVQK2BwxZv", "confirmation_method": "manual", "created": 1692018300, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_ORu3dk6cGpYw0u", "description": "r2B9jZYJK", "invoice": null, "last_payment_error": null, "latest_charge": "ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4", "livemode": false, "metadata": { "OTA": "Manual", "accountId": "5213a2d206112710005d96ff", "confirmationCode": "r2B9jZYJK", "guestName": "Irving Washington", "listingId": "64da223eb3de7a002a462fcc", "paymentId": "64da267c83ad1500284bd104", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "reservationId": "64da254383ad1500284bd0c0" }, "next_action": null, "on_behalf_of": null, "payment_method": "pm_1Nf0FOGfrrmRCKB1k7y7M57E", "payment_method_options": { "card": { "installments": null, "mandate_options": null, "network": null, "request_three_d_secure": "automatic" } }, "payment_method_types": [ "card" ], "processing": null, "receipt_email": null, "review": null, "setup_future_usage": null, "shipping": { "address": { "city": "New York", "country": "US", "line1": "20 W 34th St", "line2": null, "postal_code": "10001", "state": null }, "carrier": null, "name": "Irving Washington", "phone": "12128765234", "tracking_number": null }, "source": null, "statement_descriptor": "Guesty booking", "statement_descriptor_suffix": null, "status": "succeeded", "transfer_data": null, "transfer_group": null }, "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:01.910Z" } ], "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:00.263Z", "paidAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:01.820Z", "confirmationCode": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "refunds": [ { "_id": "64da2c0d83ad1500284bd128", "amount": 250, "note": "note", "payload": { "id": "re_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11JZsNCfT", "object": "refund", "amount": 25000, "balance_transaction": "txn_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB112KgYIx5", "charge": "ch_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB1160cJBx4", "created": 1692019724, "currency": "usd", "payment_intent": "pi_3Nf0S8GfrrmRCKB11SVF4dCI", "reason": "requested_by_customer", "receipt_number": null, "source_transfer_reversal": null, "status": "succeeded", "transfer_reversal": null }, "status": "SUCCEEDED", "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:28:45.582Z" } ], "authorizationHoldCaptures": [], "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:05:01.910Z", "receiptTargets": [], "receiptId": 18801740, "guest": { "_id": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "email": "", "fullName": "Irving Washington" }, "paymentMethod": { "_id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "method": "STRIPE", "last4": "4242", "brand": "visa" } }, { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "PENDING", "_id": "64ec8fcc37d448003cf8aeca", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 500, "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-09-01T09:00:00.000Z", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "currency": "USD", "attempts": [], "refunds": [], "authorizationHoldCaptures": [], "createdAt": "2023-08-28T12:15:08.206Z", "receiptTargets": [], "guest": { "_id": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "email": "", "fullName": "Irving Washington" }, "paymentMethod": { "_id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "method": "STRIPE", "last4": "4242", "brand": "visa" } } ] } }

Payment 64ec8fcc37d448003cf8aeca is now scheduled to charge the guest $500 on September 1.

Successfully Altered Scheduled Payment

Successfully Altered Scheduled Payment

In this next example, the payment is canceled altogether.


curl --request PUT '' \ --data '{ "paymentMethod": { "method": "STRIPE", "id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2" }, "status": "CANCELLED" }'
var raw = "{\n \"paymentMethod\": {\n \"method\": \"STRIPE\",\n \"id\": \"64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2\"\n },\n \"status\": \"CANCELLED\"\n}"; var requestOptions = { method: 'PUT', body: raw, redirect: 'manual' }; fetch("", requestOptions) .then(response => response.text()) .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'PUT', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>'{ "paymentMethod": { "method": "STRIPE", "id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2" }, "status": "CANCELLED" }', )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'PUT', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>'{ "paymentMethod": { "method": "STRIPE", "id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2" }, "status": "CANCELLED" }', )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;


{ "_id": "64da254383ad1500284bd0c0", "money": { "payments": [ { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "PENDING", "_id": "64da25d683ad1500284bd0ef", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 1200, "shouldBePaidAt": "2023-09-01T12:00:00.000Z", "note": "Second installment", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "guestId": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "currency": "USD", "attempts": [], "refunds": [], "authorizationHoldCaptures": [], "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:02:14.058Z", "receiptTargets": [], "guest": { "_id": "64da2084867c12ee0c2ca47f", "email": "", "fullName": "Irving Washington" }, "paymentMethod": { "_id": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", "method": "STRIPE", "last4": "4242", "brand": "visa" } }, { "paymentMethodStatus": "ACTIVE", "isAuthorizationHold": false, "status": "SUCCEEDED", "_id": "64da267c83ad1500284bd104", "chargebacksData": { "chargebacks": [] }, "amount": 500, "note": "Deposit", "paymentMethodId": "64da2367d8d9771c02befbb2", 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Payment 64ec8fcc37d448003cf8aeca is now canceled. However, any other scheduled payments will remain active unless you cancel them.

Canceled Scheduled Payment

Canceled Scheduled Payment

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