
Guest Experience API Developments | January 2023

These are the latest Guest Experience endpoint developments you can benefit from

Classify Guests by Age Group


  • /inquiries-api/alteration

The ability to classify your guests by age group, available in our app, has been released to our Open API. Specifically, you can define the number of guests that match each of the following age groups:

  • Children
  • Infants
  • Adults

Learn more here.



This endpoint is still in Beta. If you have access to it, expect some bugs and if you wish to gain access, please speak with your Account Manager or contact us.



  • /properties/spaces/bed-types
  • /properties/spaces/room-types
  • /properties/spaces/unit-type/{unitTypeId}
  • /properties/spaces/space/{spaceId}/details
  • /properties/spaces/space/{spaceId}/remove
  • /properties/spaces/space/{spaceId}/edit

Ensure that your properties are properly described with our new Spaces API. This API provides you with the following capabilities:


  • Retrieve a list of all the supported Bed types
  • Retrieve a list of all the supported Room types (space)

Retrieve Existing Spaces

Manage Spaces

House Rules


  • /properties/house-rules/unit-type/{unitTypeId}
  • /properties/house-rules/

You've asked and we've obliged. Finally, we have brought the functionality of the House Rules in the app to the API. Using the new endpoint you can:

This update makes it easier to manage your guest policy to set better expectations, and to better reflect expected guest behavior leading to better quality reservations.